Your peace of mind Hotel supplier
Andromeda is your PROTECTOR to hotels WORLDWIDE at the BEST rate with FAIR terms. Save TIME consuming searches, get the highest COST saving possible, reduce RISKS by leveraging Andromeda’s KNOWLEDGE, BUYING power and contract EXPERTISE. P.S.: We help you get funding, save money with airfare and create additional revenue streams through our online registration tool!
HOTELS THAT fit you, SAVE YOU MONEY and agree to favorable terms to you
CONQUER THE UNKNOWN and remove risks
The secret’s out. Andromeda is the only NICHE ambassador of its kind dedicated to helping event hosts to search, negotiate and contract with hotels with ONE ENGAGEMENT process. While anyone can request a draft agreement from a hotel, do you know Andromeda can source entire city with right FUNCTION SPACES at terrific SLEEPING ROOM prices, and we create breathtaking contracts to PROTECT you.
We do one thing – to be your trusted advisor – and we do it really really well. We GUARANTEE to find you most suitable venue with our highly personalised HOTEL or CRUISE negotiation to full turn-key event management services that you can count on!
- STRATEGIZE based on your goals, budget and requirements. STREAMLINE your hotel site selection process by generating the request, seek destination support, track down proposals, negotiate, perform site inspect, write the contract and manage processes on your behalf operating around the world.
- BEST rate with balanced THOROUGH contract
- PROPRIETARY Andromeda 60 points contract checklist to ensure nothing is amiss with powerful Risk Reduction, Cost Containment & Saving Reporting.
- Easy, fast and flexible packages. One simple and low transparent contract REVIEW fee or join our NO COST, NO FEE, NO CATCH sponsorship program.
“If you sign any kind of contract with a hotel, we need to REPRESENT you before you agree to anything!”

Nora B.
Global Brand Director
amazing years
annual programs
Happy Customers
tracked savings
We help you to save hotel expenses, meet your GOALS and make money.
We help you to build an OBSESSION worthy brand and produce lifetime relationship with customers and employees.
We help you to connect all attendees, raise skills, network and build COMMUNITY.
We help you to entertain attendees and make your event a MEMORABLE life experience.
we visualize for you
We carefully design roadmap for you with a balanced, FAIR and THROUGH hotel contract that protects your event and bottom line. You focus on your programming; we will do the rest.
we defend for you
Hotel sales work for the hotel; accepting a draft hotel contract leaves you dangerously exposed. We work for you. Similar to lawyer, realtor, or accountant, we SAFEGUARD for you: find you valuable cash savings; minimize risks from beginning to the end; uphold your reputations; protect event logistics.
we save you money
On average, our clients save $50,000-75,000 per contract in actual savings and avoided risks. Our EXCLUSIVE Andromeda 60 point checklist ensure all hotel contracts are thoroughly reviewed for what is included and more importantly for what’s MISSING. With our no fee, no cost SPONSORSHIP program, you can enjoy our services with only possibility of upside gain.
See the Difference Andromeda Consultants Hotel Negotiation Can Make
3 Easy Steps
to become andromeda partner
Tell us your travel location, date and hotel room needs.
Share hotel links to your attendee and see the accolades and savings coming in.